DBot is one of the Solana Bots with the most comprehensive copy trading functions on the market. It allows all kinds of copy trading strategies to be implemented in DBot. If there are any functions you would like to see added, please let me know in the comments section.
DBot Official Website: https://dbotx.com/?ref=40929293
DBot Solana Telegram Bot:https://t.me/sol_dbot?start=ref_40929293
Q:I don’t want to buy in Raydium, can I just follow the buying and selling of Pump and only the selling of Raydium?
A:Of course you can. Set a task and select only copy Pump and start buying and selling. Then use the same wallet to set a copy task with the same target wallet, but select only Raydium selling.
Select only Pump in DEXs
Select only Raydium amm and only enable the sell settings
Q:I don’t want to buy the same token only once, nor do I want to buy it all the time. Can I set it to be purchased only a few times (and only a certain amount at most)?
A:Yes, you can. You only need to set the “ total buy times” and “totol buy amount” parameters in the copy trading settings to buy the same token only a few times (only a certain amount).
Q:Smart Wallet’s increase in positions is always at a very high price. I don’t want to follow his increase in positions, I just want to follow his first buy, is that okay?
A:Yes, you can. You just need to enable the “Skip added tokens” function in the copy buy settings, and then you will only follow the first buy of the target wallet.
Q:The target wallet always uses small amounts to bring me into junk coins. Can this be solved? (The large amount purchased by the smart wallet has too much impact on the liquidity pool. I don’t want to follow it. Can this be achieved?)
A:Yes, you can. You just need to set the “Copy Buy Range” in the copy order settings. You will only follow the target wallet’s buys within the range, and not other buys.
Q:I set a 100% sell, but Smart Wallet often sells a little first and then sells the remaining position. Can I not copy his first sell?
A:You can probably avoid most of these situations by setting the “Copy Sell Range” in the copy sell settings. You will only copy the target wallet’s sells within the range, and not other sells. For example, if you set it to 1–10sol, the target wallet’s 0.5sol sell will not trigger your copy sell.
Q:In order to improve the efficiency of capital utilization, can the order be sold automatically if the stop-profit and stop-loss tasks are not triggered within 30 minutes after the copy buys?
A:In the copy selling settings, fill in 0.5h in the stop-profit and stop-loss expiration time, and enable automatic selling when the task expires. Then, if the tokens bought by the copy order do not trigger the stop-profit and stop-loss after 30 minutes, they will be automatically sold.
TP & SL in sell settings
Q:Can the tokens I bought in Pump be automatically sold when they are migrated to Raydium?
A:This can be achieved by enabling “Raydium Sell” function in the copy sell settings.
Q:Can the tokens I bought on Pump be automatically sold after Dev?
A:This can be achieved by enabling “Dev Sell” in the copy selling settings. It is not only effective in the Pump stage, but also in the Raydium stage.
Raydium Sell and Dev Sell in sell settings
Q:I have set a 100% sell ratio, how can I sell faster?
A:Please enable the “Ultra-fast Sell” mode in the Copy Sell Settings to further increase the copy selling speed, but it may cause inaccurate ratios, so it is recommended to use it when selling at 100% ratio or when accuracy is not required.
Q:I want to control the minimum balance of my wallet to avoid it being drained overnight by some malicious wallets.
A:DBot provides a stop-profit and stop-loss function at the wallet level. You can set a minimum stop-loss amount. When the wallet balance reaches this amount, it will no longer buy and will only follow the sells.
Q:I don’t want to buy tokens with too concentrated holdings, is that okay?
A:Simply fill in “Top 10 Max Holdings” in the Copy Buy settings, and tokens whose top ten holdings are higher than this holding ratio will not be purchased.
Q:I only want to copy buy new coins created within 1 hour (I only want to buy old coins created more than 240 hours)
A:Simply fill in the “Token Age” range in the Copy Buy settings, and tokens that do not meet the current creation time range will not be bought.
Token age and Top 10 Max Holdings in Buy Settings
DBot offical link
DBot Website | DBot Telegram group | DBot discord | DBot Solana Bot
DBot Alert Bot | DBot Guide Doc
Feel to contact us and I will continue to update tutorials and FAQs on DBot usage.
#DBot #Solana #copytrading #DEX #dextradingbot #TelegramBot
Copy Trading
Solana Network
Trading Bot